
We do practice natural farming and growing rice in the northern Ibaraki. No Pesticide no fertilizer. We simply uses the power that the nature provides.

WISH HOUSEで自然農のお米づくりをする理由

  • 健康的な食べ物を次世代に繋げていきたい Healthy food for our children
  • 地方に広がる耕作放棄地を活用し里山の景色を再生したい Revitalizing abandoned land in the countryside
  • 大人や子供がお米づくりを楽しく体験できるコミュニティを作りたい Creating a community in a rice paddy
  • 子供食堂などに提供したい Provide rice to the economically disadvantaged kids

WISH HOUSEでは大人も子供も気軽にお米づくりを体験できるイベントを1年を通じて複数開催しています。田んぼを整えたり、土の準備をしたり、お米のタネを蒔いたり、稲刈りや脱穀や精米をしたり、お米が出来上がる過程を体験いただけます。ご興味ある方は是非、お気軽にご連絡くださいね。(イベント情報もHPに更新していきます)
We have so many events throughout the year surrounding the rice paddy at WISH HOUSE that you join and participate. Family and kids are super welcome! Feel free to contact us. Let’s cultivate!



We initially began by looking for any abandoned land that were available to us which we hope to find within the 2 hour driving distance. We finally found the generous owner who let us use the land for cultivation.

The paddy was abandoned over 3 years and even the ridges had to be rebuilt for pooling water in the paddy. The most obvious thing that were needed was pesticide free clean water but as I’ve learnt about the history of water usage rights, it was much more complicated than I thought. No wonder how people use to fight over water in old days…

豊かな水と土 RICH SOIL and WATER

We needed to get the official permit from the village that our paddy was located in. But even if we get the permission, we are not allowed to use it for 12month a year as other farmers stop using them in autumn to dry their paddies which is the typical practice for the industrial farming. Plus the water normally is contaminated with pesticides.

So we decided to use the clean water that was flowing from our valley. We had to make our own irrigation system and that was the hardest work! We also wanted to use the water even during the winter time to keep the moisture in the paddy to let microbes and insects can live in or near the paddy. They are the ones who make the soil richer so that we do not need any fertilizer!

Fertilizer will create unbalance in the nature to usually create outbreak of certain insects / pest damage. In natural farming this will not happen.

生態系のバランス HARMONY

The first year, we made ISEHIKARI and TIBETAN BLACK RICE. We use the seedling in the paddy instead of using a plastic house. We had to make sure that the seeds will not be submerged and stayed just on the water surface level.

And can you imagine how strong these rice are!? They grow with so much energy! Knowing how hard it was to cultivate the land with all the participants and volunteers to revitalize the place, the joy was indescribable in words.

We had to also take care of the weeds which competes against or with the rice. The key was to NOT to over do it. Of course removing all the weeds will be ideal for rice to perform photosynthesis. But what about the diversity of nature with other microbes and insects? To avoid any outbreak, we maintained and allowed certain amount of weeds to also live in the paddy.

And our rice grew so well in the end. The natural farming will make us discover the essence of nature and how we live with the nature in harmony. Ultimately how we can find harmony within ourselves. From the 2nd years on, we have expanded our paddy to 3,000㎡. If you are interested in natural farming or rice paddy, feel free to contact us and join us.

We are inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka and Nobuo Iwasawa’s philosophy about natural farming

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